"The Reich rises again"

Films: Nazis at the Center of the Earth (2012)

Alias: Various, notably Josef Mengele and Adolf Hitler

Type: Natural/Man-Made

Location: Haunted Home/Tundra

Height/Weight: Ranges from that of average humans to that of a tank.

Affiliation: Evil

Summary: There will never be a greater monster than the combined forces of the Nazi scum. Those genocidal self-destructive half-wits are long gone, even if they have pathetic modern followers. But what if they were still here? What if they've just been biding their time...?

History: Not long before the end of the second World War, Dr. Josef Mengele took the remaining Nazis and the head of Hitler himself to where the enemy couldn't find them. That is, a super-secret base located near the Earth's core. As it turned out, there was a whole ecosystem there, and the Nazis did what they did best, and ruined it so that they could resurrect their leader and put him in a robot. Then some researches in Antarctica ratted them out.

Notable Kills: Nothing special.

Final Fate: After robo-Hitler makes his debut, and not long after Menele gets a slashed throat after barely surviving getting his face burnt off, we're quick to retaliate. But the killing blow is when Hitler is injected with a lethal substance that causes his robot chaste to go haywire and make him fall through the ice, ensuring that his twitching robot corpse lay at the bottom of the Arctic ocean forever.

Powers/Abilities: Robo-Hitler comes with machine guns, a near-impenetrable hide, and a chest-laser beam.

Weakness: Anything conventional. Just try to figure out how to futz with Hitler's life-support system.

Scariness Factor: 3.5-The thought of the most despicable Nazis finding a way to cheat death is frightening...until you see that Hitler is in a bad-CGI-body. Then it just falls flat. Still, at least Mengele is still as vile as he was in real life.

Trivia: -Josef Mengele was one of the most infamous Nazi scientists of them all, to the point where some called him the Angel of Death. He worked at the Auschwitz Death Camp, and performed horrific experiments on the prisoners in order to fuel his sick desire for scientific breakthroughs. The worst part perhaps was how he kept a friendly and affable demeanor around the younger prisoners in spite of having just as much disgust for them as everyone else. After the war ended, he has a massive target on his head, and after fleeing to South America, he died pitifully from a drowning stroke in 1979.

-The concept of a robotic Hitler originates from the famous classic video game "Wolfenstein 3D", from the creators of "Doom". In it, he is the final boss. Though in the rebooted series, he appears in a fortress on Mars as a senile old man who regularly kidnaps people to star in movies made for him. There are plenty of robo-Nazis at his regime's beck and call, though.

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Talk about 'harsher in hindsight'.

This time, they...still didn't put on winter clothes.

This new Wolfenstein game blows!
But Starship Troopers was already about Nazis!

Wanna know how this horrific ridiculousness happened?

Because all robots, even supremley racist ones, need lasers.
We can at least remove their ability to talk.

Blame the German Angel of Death himself.
Oh, HELL no.

"Heil myself! HEIL TO ME!"
